Archaeological Surveys: Your Questions Answered


If you've recently purchased a piece of land and are considering having an archaeological survey done, you may have some questions about what to expect. Having an archaeological survey done can be a great way to learn more about the history of your land and the objects that might be buried beneath it. This blog post answers some questions about archaeological surveying.

What is an archaeological survey? 

An archaeological survey is a process in which trained professionals investigate a plot of land for evidence of ancient artefacts or structures that may be buried beneath the surface. This type of survey is often conducted by archaeologists who specialise in exploring and preserving historical sites. The purpose of a survey is to identify any potential sites or artefacts that could provide insight into the culture or people who once lived there.

What does a survey involve?

When conducting an archaeological survey, there are several steps that will typically be taken. First, experts will examine surface features such as soil types, drainage patterns, rock outcroppings and vegetation in order to identify possible areas where artefacts might be located. After that, they will use tools such as metal detectors and ground-penetrating radar (GPR) to search for artefacts below the surface. Finally, if any artefacts are found, they will be carefully excavated and analysed for further information about the site's history.

How can someone prepare for a survey?

If you plan on conducting an archaeological survey on your land, it's important to prepare beforehand. Make sure you have all necessary permits from local authorities before beginning your investigation; these permits may vary depending on where you live, so make sure to research yours thoroughly before starting any work. Additionally, it's good practice to contact any nearby museums or universities ahead of time; they may have their own archaeologists who would be interested in collaborating with your project or making use of the discoveries you find during your dig. It is also a great idea to hire a consultant who can assist in organising the survey.


A well-executed archaeological survey can yield invaluable information about the past inhabitants of your land — or perhaps even uncover something entirely unexpected. If you're considering having one conducted on your property, make sure you do your research beforehand so that everything goes smoothly and safely when the time comes. With proper preparation and expertise from archaeologists, you can gain insight into a new chapter in the story of your property's history. For more info, contact a consultant today.


20 December 2022

Understanding the Logistics of Consulting

Do you have questions about consulting? Do you want to know how it can improve your life, your business or your future? Then, you need to check out my blog posts. My name is Roberta, and I love to write. I also faithfully read the business section of the newspaper, and I love explaining things to others. Together, those passions fueled my interest in starting this type of blog. I hope that you learn from these posts and the research that I have done, and I sincerely hope that this information helps you. In addition to blogging, I love working on computers, trying new recipes and spending time with friends.